Call or SMS 0478 88 55 90

B Chiro Sci., M Chiro., M COCA, Cert IV Fit., Cert IV TAE
Professional Achievements​
20 Years clinical experience
Bachelor and Masters degree in Chiropractic from Macquarie University
Certificate IV Fitness Trainer
World Master Games Chiropractor
Former Tutor at Macquarie University Chiropractic Masters Faculty.
Mentor and personal development coach.
Former Australian Dragon Boat representative and Assistant Coach
Qualified Certificate IV fitness instructor
Member of Chiropractic Australia
Member Sports Chiropractic Australia
National health fund registered approved Chiropractor
ICB approved provider
Dry Needling certified practitioner
Workcover Approved provider for injury and compensation claims
Certificate IV Training and Assessment qualified instructor
DVA approved practitioner
Husband and father of 3 children, Liam, Alex and Alyssa
Best exercise equipment- Rower and Airdyne.
Favourite food - Japanese and piccolo latte
" Chiropractic in two words- Wellness Care. There is so much more to health than avoiding aches and pains. I have a passion for educating people about living life to their fullest potential and keeping present and having gratitude each and every day. So if you have a questions contact me anytime, I'll be more than happy to have a chat."