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Writer's pictureWill Kwok

How often do I need to see a chiropractor for?

Your philosophy and understanding about healthcare is the starting point. If you think that 'if I'm not in pain then I'm healthy' then you will base you decisions on pain.

If you invest in regular exercise and want to feel fit, strong adn healthy regardless of symptoms then you will adopt and preventative wellness mindset.

You may have heard of someone getting a stroke, heart attack or diagnosed with diabetes without having any 'pain' or symptoms but when it hit there was a massive scare.

Do you wait for problem to occur and then fix it or are you proactive and are conscious about your health?

Do you regularly exercise or think that walking to the fridge is exercise?

Do you watch what you eat or eat whatever you want in front of the tv?

Short term pain relief which is no different to taking a panadol or neurofen for short term relief. The other group of people want to get down to the root cause of the problem, get treatment to feel better and then maintain their health with regular Chiropractic care. These people value their health and have a long term view for a better lifestyle as they age.

Neither camp is better or worse but there is  a cost for both

Pain relief people

  1. Time poor

  2. Want instant relief

  3. Lower time and financial commitment

  4. Flares can occur and the problem can get worse over time making each episode more difficult to correct

  5. May be past Chiropractic care and need to be referred off to someone else

  6. Higher risk of a future degeneration


Wellness people

  1. More stable care

  2. Do whatever it takes do correct the root cause

  3. Higher time and financial commitment

  4. Flare ups are usually smaller and less frequent as they are address early on and do not get out of control

  5. Chiropractic care generally keeps their spine and over wellbeing optimal

  6. Less risk of future degeneration

In the end it is up to you, if time is short, money is tight and you have a ‘If I have no pain then I’m health' mindset then go with short term relief care.

If you can afford the time, effort, resources and truly value your health then go with wellness care. Care plans and higher frequency in the beginning in very normal. As you begin to improve then the session will reduce. Seeing a chiropractor every 2 – 4 weeks is not uncommon and you get great health tips and advice each time.


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